Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fed by the Universe...

One of the things I love about expressing intent is how the universe reorders itself around vision and desire. I received an unexpected package this week from my friend Patty in Vermont who sent me a collection of maps and travel information of the British Isles from when her mother had traveled there many years ago. She is also sorting and purging, and I had to laugh at how we sometimes end up shuffling our "stuff" from one friend to another. . . .but the maps and information were a wonderful affirmation that I am on my spirit's path!

But this is how I experience my world. . . .when I am in love with my life, everything feels magical, miraculous, and destined in a most wonderful way. I feel like every where I walk I see signs that point me in the direction I need to move, or affirm that I am exactly who and where I need to be, and I feel "fed" by the universe with such dense and delicious food for my spirit!
So, thank you, Patty, for this most delicious gift!