Sunday, February 20, 2011

Clan MacDonald

The MacDonald Clan Crest
My maternal grandmother's mother was from this clan.
(Which means that I am too :)
The motto, "Per mare, per terras" means by sea and by land.
(Which explains my love of the sea :)

Summer in Nova Scotia!

I was serious when I said I can't wait any longer, and if I don't do something sooner than my five year plan, I feel like I will simply pop! So I am modifying my plan just a wee bit. June 1st will be my last day of work, and then I will spend this summer up in Nova Scotia!

I may not be able to get over to Scotland just yet, but I have got to immerse myself in gaelic and oat cakes!

The Unicorn, Heraldic Symbol of Scotland

This morning I was following my Scottish curiosities, and I found several versions of Scotland's coats of arms (one of which I posted prior to this). And I thought it was very interesting (seriously, a whole lot more than just a "bit" interesting) that Scotland's heraldic symbol is that of the unicorn!

So I followed my curiosities some more. . . .

The unicorn is the only "fabulous beast" that was not conceived out of human fears. It's fierce, yet good. . . .selfless, yet solitary. . . .and mysteriously beautiful. They are captured only by unfair means (which is, no doubt, why they are pictured in chains), and, most importantly, their single horn is said to neutralize poison!
OK, so why does all of this information amaze me?

Back in 1991, when I was first diagnosed with my colon cancer, Bernie Siegel's book "Love, Medicine, and Miracles" had a life changing impact on me and how I approach cancer. His book is about "healing with love," and I listened to the visualization meditations several times a day during the wait until surgery, then for a very long time after, and I would still listen to them if I had a CD version of them.

But one of the ways these meditations work with exceptional cancer patients is to "guide" the listener to choose some form of metaphor that does something to the cancer. Some people might choose a lion, for example, to "eat" the cancer, or another might choose a vial of poison to pour on the cancer; each person intuitively chooses the healing metaphor that works for them (and fits with their personal life philosophy and values).

Me? I chose the unicorn! I didn't want to approach my cancer as the enemy, because even though it was "cancer," it was still a part of me, a part of my very own flesh and blood. So I chose the unicorn's healing power to rub its magic horn on the cancer and transform the cancer with love and warmth into vital, healthy tissue. . . .which I believe is a significant reason why I am still alive today. . . .having now survived three different cancers!

Aye, the unicorn is a most important ally, indeed!

So I am enlivened this morning, and envigorated to find this amazing connection between my very powerful healing ally and the national symbol of Scotland! And now I am feeling this terrible and irresistable pull to drop absolutely everything, as soon as humanly possible, and get on that plane to Scotland. . . .the land of the healing unicorns!


In my defence God me defend
And bring my soul to ane good end
When I am sick and like to die
Father of Heaven have mercy on me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pet Passport!

Back in grad school when I was going to backpack through Ireland and Scotland for the summer, I hadn't even thought to question Shadow coming with me. But as the time drew near, I learned that Scotland had a mandatory SIX month quarantine for all pets! Needless to say, we didn't go backpacking that summer :(

The funny thing about technology, though, is that you never know what has changed! I have been making this five year plan in part because I figured by then my cat Sarra would be up in pet heaven. And I also knew that I couldn't even consider taking on the responsibility of another dog (if I wanted to spend time in Scotland).

Or so I thought!

Today I found many websites on international pet travel and this new concept of a "pet passport." It's not a passport like we have as humans, but more of a data collection file that travels with the pet, a pet that has been inserted with a very special internationally accepted microchip for proof positive identification. But if I start the process six months before going to Scotland, and follow the required steps, there is no reason why my cat (or even a new dog!) couldn't fly over for the adventure with me!

So even though Shadow is no longer with me, he continues to travel with me in spirit, and I know that when I finally arrive he will be eagerly waiting for me at the airport, wagging his tail with that great big smile in anticipation of our long overdue walkabout through the heathered highlands of Scotland!