Monday, March 17, 2014

Glimmer of Light

I'm finally starting to see light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. Today was the first day (since starting my trailer project) that I felt pure excitement to look upon what I'm creating, these walls I am building for myself. I could have bought a travel trailer ready made by someone else, but this home I am building with my own two hands, with MY blood, sweat, and tears as the glue that holds it all together. This home is MY vision, MY passion, my dream home made manifest.

And while others may look at my home and see nothing more than a micro tiny trailer closet that would make them feel suffocated just to walk into, what I see is a travelling sanctuary that opens the whole world to become my home.

So I am quite content to be confined by these walls that I am building for myself...quite content, indeed!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ont The Cusp of a Brave New World!

I am so excited that I am on this amazing path! My life is life is now. And even though the life that is here and now is quite disorganized and chaotic, it's supposed to be that way. I can't create a new life, unless I'm willing to break down the old and rebuild out of the pieces that remain.

I am sorting and purging every single day...I've relinquished all of the burdens and responsibilities here in the community off of my calendar....I've bought the trailer that will become my tumbleweed gypsy home...and tomorrow I begin with the creation phase of this life transformation!

Tomorrow I begin building a brave new world!

I feel so incredibly blessed to have the resources and ability to be able to do this right now. And, yes, I know that my car is the vulnerable factor, but I'll deal with whatever happens along the journey...just like I've done every other time.

So, I just need to "take pause" to really feel the beauty in this moment and celebrae it! Because I'm living my dream life...right here...right now.