Sunday, January 30, 2011

What am I waiting for?

One of the thoughts creeping around inside my mind is the wondering of why time feels so different as an adult from when I was a child. I remember feeling like the day would just NEVER end! My birthday? Well, that was never going to get here, either. And Christmas? You might as well just give up on that one!

Tonight as I sit here writing a letter, I am shocked to write a date that signals the end of January in what feels like a brand new year, and I realize what the difference is.

As an adult, I have stopped looking forward with anticipation. My days are filled with a never ending list of tasks and projects that leave me anxious and stressed. My birthday has become just another day that comes and goes. And the holidays are generally filled with dread because I never know which side of the emotional river my feelings will flow. So it's no wonder time seems to be flying by!

The solution is simple, of course: I need to start looking forward to the events of my life! But herein lies the problem. . . .because the older I get, the more I mark time by what has already passed, and I am ever aware that my "days are numbered," which means (quite simply) that I am all too keenly aware that I am running out of  time! And I'm sure that living with cancer has thrown its own little monkey wrenches into the time mix. So how can I look forward with excitement and anticipation when I feel like I am digging my heels into the sand to keep myself from being pulled out to sea by the rip tide of time that has wrapped itself around my life?

Doors close. Windows shut. Possibilities become unfulfilled dreams neatly tucked away into hope chests and online photo albums that serve as a sarcophagus for memories and regrets of a life already lived. No wonder it feels like time goes by faster and faster every year, yet how can I slow it down? How can I seize each day with the same reckless abandon I did when I was young and invicible against the world when carpe diem feels impossibly dry and lifeless upon my tongue?

I need to rethink my 5 year plan. Why am I waiting so long? What am I afraid of? What am I honestly waiting for?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fed by the Universe...

One of the things I love about expressing intent is how the universe reorders itself around vision and desire. I received an unexpected package this week from my friend Patty in Vermont who sent me a collection of maps and travel information of the British Isles from when her mother had traveled there many years ago. She is also sorting and purging, and I had to laugh at how we sometimes end up shuffling our "stuff" from one friend to another. . . .but the maps and information were a wonderful affirmation that I am on my spirit's path!

But this is how I experience my world. . . .when I am in love with my life, everything feels magical, miraculous, and destined in a most wonderful way. I feel like every where I walk I see signs that point me in the direction I need to move, or affirm that I am exactly who and where I need to be, and I feel "fed" by the universe with such dense and delicious food for my spirit!
So, thank you, Patty, for this most delicious gift!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

$20 a day...

How amazing is it...
to live in love and laughter. . .
at one of the seven natural wonders of the world. . .
while earning my tickets to freedom. . .
$20 per day. . .
5 days a week. . .
for 5 quick years. . .
and there is NOTHING powerful enough to stop me. . .

So bring it on!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Loreena McKennitt- Tango to Evora

Longing for the land of my spirit...

I just experienced "Grace Note. . .kauai five~0". . .
now my heart aches to be walking through the highlands of Scotland. . . .breathing in the salted sea air washing across the craggy shores. . . .looking out upon the land of my spirit on a moon filled night from the stoney window of a castle I have highjacked for the night . . .

        . . . makes my heart ache to be home . . .
. . . a home I have never seen . . .
. . . a home that calls out to my depth . . .

I must begin this journey now!